How to cure dandruff permanently naturally at home?

Dandruff is the most embarrassing thing that could happen when you're dressed up for a party or an interview. Dandruff is a medical problem that has managed to unite over half the adult population across the world - beyond gender, age and race. It is a common scalp condition in which small pieces of dry skin flake off of the scalp. It is not a serious problem, it can be cured. But question raised how to cure dandruff permanently naturally at home? Dandruff can be cured with anti-dandruff shampoo, good diet and some natural home remedies permanently. Before discussing the treatment of dandruff you should know which factors that may cause dandruff. What issues can cause dandruff? Lifestyle and eating habits: Frequent or regular exhaustion, as well as stress, can lead to occurrence of dandruff. Besides, risk factors include overeating high-fat and sweet food and bad habits, like smoking. Stress: Stress arising from long working hours, which adve...