How to cure dandruff permanently naturally at home?
Dandruff is the most embarrassing thing that could happen when you're dressed up for a party or an interview. Dandruff is a medical problem that has managed to unite over half the adult population across the world - beyond gender, age and race. It is a common scalp condition in which small pieces of dry skin flake off of the scalp. It is not a serious problem, it can be cured.
But question raised how to cure dandruff permanently naturally at home? Dandruff can be cured with anti-dandruff shampoo, good diet and some natural home remedies permanently.
Before discussing the treatment of dandruff you should know which factors that may cause dandruff.
What issues can cause dandruff?
Lifestyle and eating habits: Frequent or regular exhaustion, as well as stress, can lead to occurrence of dandruff. Besides, risk factors include overeating high-fat and sweet food and bad habits, like smoking.
Stress: Stress arising from long working hours, which adversely affects your scalp’s barrier functionality and dandruff may occur.
Diet: The extremely high sugar content may lead to dandruff because sugary items stimulate the overgrowth of yeast which is associated with it.
Metabolic disease: People with metabolic disorders often face this problem. The matter is that dead cells stick together and form hardenings which start scaling.
Hormonal imbalance: It can also lead to dandruff. Usually, it occurs at the age of 15 to 25. It’s important to choose the high-quality cosmetics and to get enough vitamins to maintain body health and prevent possible problems.
Microscopic fungus: “Good” microbes normally inhabit the head epidermis of every human being. Sometimes they can overgrow and make oil glands work more intensively, which results in dandruff appearance. These are the factors that may cause dandruff.
As we all know Shampoos are used by everyone and it is the most common product which is available at home. To cure dandruff permanently we prefer to use medicated shampoo for dandruff which should be paraben-free, free from harsh chemicals, and also should be dermatologically tested.
The anti-dandruff shampoo helps to keep your hair follicles free from dandruff and also helps to control scaling, flaking, and itching. It helps to destroy the fungus infection & makes your scalp clean, itch-free, and also prevents the formation of new dandruff.
Home remedies to cure dandruff naturally:
Curd: Treating dandruff at home with curd is a little messy but very effective. Use: Apply some curd to your hair and scalp and let it sit tight for about an hour. Rinse it off with water.
Lemon: It is highly effective in treating dandruff. Citric acid removes the excess oil present in the scalp and regulates the PH. A cup of water with few drops of lemon juice is excellent for massaging the scalp and beneficial to treat dandruff.
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera possesses various vital properties which make it an ideal home remedy for dandruff. It reduces scalp inflammation because of the presence of various enzymes.
Apple cider vinegar: It is a powerful cleanser that removes the excess oil and opens the pores. It also has a pH balancing property. Mix Apple cider vinegar with water in 2:3 ratios and rinse the hair after shampooing.
Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is considered as one of the finest natural anti dandruff agents. Tea tree oil has potent anti-fungal properties. Adding a few drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo does magic against it.
Diet is the one thing in which we have control. It is one of the most effective and natural way to cure tip. If you want your hair dandruff-free, it is necessary to care of it inside out.
Wheat germ: It is excellent food to tackle dandruff problem. Add it in milkshakes, pieces of bread, muesli or cereals; just make it a point to include wheat germ in your daily diet. It is not only a storehouse of zinc and vitamin B6, but also of various other B vitamins.
Apple: Not only does an apple a day keep the doctor away, it also keeps dandruff at bay! It can help in treating dandruff. Simply munch it, add it in desserts or make a fruit salad, just try and include apple in your diet plan. And if not so, then massage your scalp with apple juice before the final rinse.
Chickpeas: It is used in so many delicious dishes and salads. It is so beneficial in fighting dandruff. They are loaded with two essential nutrients: vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and zinc, which are essential to combat dandruff.
Garlic: It has high concentration of allicin, which is a natural antifungal compound that helps in getting rid of dandruff. It can be used either in your diet, or can be applied on scalp as an amazing treatment for dandruff. To learn more about hair care tips for dandruff, you can visit this page.
To know more home remedies to get rid of dandruff, click here.
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