Which is the best shampoo for hair fall and dandruff?

One of the most endangering hair and scalp issue is dandruff that your scalp not allows the pores to breathe in properly. As a result, the clogged pores force down on the head trapping in the excess sebum causing hair to become lifeless and dull. Dandruff cause extreme itching on scalp and when the sufferer begins to scratch the scalp, issues like hair fall arises. Dandruff and hair fall problem related to each other. But these hair problems can be easily controlled with the right treatment and products. It can be treated with the best shampoo for hair fall and dandruff and also with some natural home remedies for hair. Shampoo is used by everyone and we use this to clean dust and dirt. But it is also beneficial to treat dandruff and hair fall. Shampoo helps to keep your hair follicles free from dandruff and thus helps to prevent hair fall. Shampoo destroys the fungus infection and helps to prevent the formation of new dandruff. How to use and which ingredients to lo...