How to heal deep cracked heels?

Cracked heels, also called as fissures are among the most common foot conditions faced by people. They can be problematic if the cracks are deep. Therefore, you should treat them on time by giving little attention to your feet. Many people are confused about how to heel deep cracked heels. Well, you can take the help of home remedies, medicines and foot crack creams to heal deep cracked heels. Some of the best home remedies to heal the deeply cracked heels are discussed below: 1. Use pumice stone: It is an excellent way to get rid of thick calluses and dead skin. You can soak your feet in warm water for sometimes and then use a pumice stone to exfoliate. 2. Apply petroleum jelly: Petroleum jelly can be used if you want to provide long-lasting hydration to your heels. It forms a protective barrier, which prevents loss of moisture. 3. Use coconut oil: Coconut oil is beneficial for treating even severe skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Therefor...