What are the Best Hair-Care Tips for Dry Hair in summer?

Dry hair is a very common hair problem and it develops when your hair doesn’t get or retain enough moisture. This reduces its shine and can make it frizzy and dull. Hair consists of three layers. If your hair is healthy, natural oils in the outer layer help protect the inner layers. They also make your hair appear shiny. But when your hair is dry, the outer layer breaks down, causing it to appear dull and unhealthy. Why is your hair so dry? It is due to various factors including environmental factors like hot climate, frequently swimming in chlorinated water and also due to hair care habits and physical health. In summers especially, your hair becomes dry due to hot climate and sun exposure. Therefore, it is important to take proper care of your hair in summers. If you have dry hair it is important to take proper care of your hair. But how to take care of your hair is challenging in today’s hectic schedule. But everyone wants healthy and nourished hair to get complime...