Easy and effective home remedies for black circles under eyes

Black circles under the eyes are starting to haunt you in the dream? Then take a break and give the skin around your eyes a needed skincare treatment. Like our whole skin care, the skin under eyes also demands proper care and cure. Dark circles are a cosmetic concern and can be managed thoroughly using appropriate skin care products, folk remedies and by adopting healthy living. The very first cure that must do to tackle this issue is including a good under eye cream gel in your skin care pouch.

An under eye cream gel is a specialized formulation which prepared by in taking the delicacy and sensitivity of under eye skin area into the consideration. You can't simply pick any normal skin lightening cream or any other random cream for such sensitive area. The under eye cream is formulated with the ingredients that can safely act upon such type of skin. So, make sure you are only going for under eye cream gel.


Another major thing that you can do being at your home to get rid of dark circles is to bring changes in your lifestyle you are living. Solving sleep deprivation, taking less stress and making healthy dietary changes you can avoid this problem from being enter in your life. You can read here more to grasp effective tips on how to avoid or manage dark circles.

Now comes to the folk or home remedies, by incorporating in your eye care routine, you can efficiently get rid of the dark circle which already being there. These effective home remedies are nothing but the dietary food components that you can easily found at your home.

Home remedies for dark circles:

#Cucumbers For Dark Circles

You all very well heard of this remedy for dark circles as many advertisements or movies filmed this home remedies so many times in front of us. But, it doesn't mean that this remedy only works in the reel world. You can also see significant benefits of this home remedy in the real world.

Cucumber provides adequate hydration to the eyes and surrounding tissues, reduces the inflammation due to the presence of lignans, and aids in reducing the dark circles by virtue of high vitamin K levels. That is why, not only in the diet but also the topical use of cucumbers is beneficial for skin care, especially against dark circles.

How to use cucumber against dark circles?

  • Take slices of cucumber and keep cool for 30 minutes by keeping in the refrigerator.

  • Place on the dark circles for about 10 minutes.

  • Afterwards, wash your eyes with lukewarm water.

  • Do this remedy two times a day regularly for fast results.

#Potatoes For Dark Circles

Potatoes are one of the major consuming vegetables around the world. But this vegetable can also be used in the context of removing dark circles due to its potent depigmenting properties.

How to use potatoes against dark circles?

  • Cut the peeled potato into the large slices.

  • Keep those slices into a cloth and put on your eyes for about 20 minutes.

  • Afterwards, wash off with warm water.

  • Else, you can also apply potato juice under the eyes instead of keeping slices onto the eyes.

  • Do the remedy regularly for better outcomes.

Other than these remedies there are also some more home remedies for black circles under eyes that you can try. To know those home remedies, click here.

If you are also suffering from dark circles, includes all these tips in your skin care routine. It can significantly help you to get rid of this issue.


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