11 hair growth tips for women

Hair is often associated with beauty and attractiveness which is why most women want that little extra that will help to transform their hair from good to great. But sometimes due to excessive hair fall, the hair will not grow. But it can be treated by following some hair growth tips for women. It helps to stop hair fall and that helps to regrow your hair.

Hair growth tips:

  1. Shampoo: It is necessary for everyone. It provides moisture to your hair by improving moisture retention. Shampoo also helps to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp and provide strengthening to hair from the roots, which helps to stop hair fall which in turn promotes hair growth. It makes your hair strong and healthy. Browse here, to get the best shampoo in India.
  1. Soak your hair properly before shampoo: Make sure your hair is thoroughly wet before you start applying shampoo on hair. Use warm or hot water and let it soak into your hair for at least one minute before you start adding shampoo. Hot water will help the pores on your scalp open.
  1. Wash your hair properly with shampoo: Apply shampoo carefully and concentrate on the top of your head where your hair has the most buildup and your scalp. Massage your scalp properly as you shampoo your hair to make sure it gets scrubbed clean as well. Use the tips of your fingers rather than your nails so you don't scratch your skin. It helps to reduce hair fall. If hair fall will stop then it naturally helps to regrow your hair.
  1. Don’t wash too often: Some women thought that the only way to keep your healthy and growing is by washing your hair regularly. But washing your hair daily makes your hair frizzy and dry that leads to damage hair. So, wash your hair 3-4 times a week is enough.
  1. Oiling: It is so beneficial for hair. It provides strength to hair and prevents damage. It also protects your hair from heat damage. Oiling is necessary before you apply shampoo to hair. Use: Massage your scalp with oil in a circular motion with fingertips. It helps to increases the blood circulation in the scalp and helps in improving the quality and life of the hair. Oiling should be done 1 hour prior every time before shampooing. It also helps in hair growth. For more hair growth tips, visit this site.
  1. Hair trimming: Getting a haircut could be heartbreaking but hair trimming reduces the number of split ends which further helps in hair loss prevention. When you trim your hair it increases the hair growth and keeps hair more healthy. This allows your hair to grow as it will be much stronger and won’t break off mid-shaft.
  1. Nutritious diet: Diet is the one thing in which we have control. It is one of the most important hair growth tips. As the health of hair is the same as the health of your body and is dependent on the nutrition you provide. If you want your hair to look and feel its best you need to care of it inside out. Green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, eggs, berries, carrot, fish, are a good source of protein that assists hair growth.
  1. Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits such as lime, orange, grapefruit, and many more are the ultimate source of Vitamin c and are essential foods for hair growth. It produces the collagen, which makes the capillaries that helps in connecting the hair shaft and strengthen the hair follicle.

  2. Green Leafy Vegetables: It is an excellent natural plant-based good source of iron. Iron is one of the essential nutrients necessary for scalp and hair. It helps to enhance the metabolism and promotes your hair growth.

  1. Strengthen your scalp: To make your hair healthy and strong, it is important to strengthen every single hair and to avoid different types of hair loss. Massaging your scalp is necessary as it stimulates blood circulation. It evenly spreads the oils that you massage and helps to keep your hair strong and hydrated. So, give yourself a scalp massage to stimulate blood circulation which strengthens the roots of the hair and promotes hair growth.
  1. Lower your stress level: High stress level is a common cause of hair fall, and this means your hair strands are not growing to their full potential in the anagen stage Stress, caused due to physiological or psychological factors, negatively affects the health and growth of hair. It makes hair lose its density and volume and makes it look dull and malnourished. One should avoid stress by practicing yoga, meditation and stress relieving exercises regularly.
  1. Drink plenty of water: Drinking water is good for your entire body. It flushes out toxins and helps the body function properly. Since your hair relies on the rest of your body to keep it hydrated, it is essential to make sure you are always hydrated. It helps to reduce hair fall and promotes hair growth. Ensure you drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
  1. Use silk pillow covers: Replace your old cotton pillow covers and use silk pillow covers. Every little advantage will eventually help to increase hair growth. Silk is smoother and causes less friction. This means that you’ll wake up with fewer tangles and it help to reduce hair fall. It means it helps in hair growth. To know more deeply about hair growth tips, click this site.
To know about the care of men hair, you can click here!


  1. These are amazing tips for hair growth and taking massage herbal hair care oil helps to reduce your hair fall problem.


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